Friday, March 13, 2015

Napoleon as Our New Leader

After Snowball was out of sight the pigs and Napoleon ordered us to go back into the farm. Later on Napoleon showed up the dinner with several big dogs surronding him. Napoleon announced to us that he for now on will be the Animal Farm's new leader. We cheered for our new great leader Napoleon. None of the animals opposed to Napoleon's leadership because he was great leader that was honest. Even though all the animals were excited for the big news, we all wondered where Snowball was. After Napoleon Squealer came over and told us the shocking news. He told us that they found some documents stating that Snowball wanted to overthrow the Animal Farm and that he was helping Mr. Jones plan the attack. All the animals were stunned to know that one of our great contributors had betrayed us. We were all relieved to know that Snowball wasn't at the farm no more. All the animal knew that Napoleon would help the farm be successful. The Animal Farm has a bright future ahead.

Snowball and Napoleon

As days went by, the Animal Farm was back to normal. We manged to bury all of the dead animals from the battle. All of the animals got back to work after the battle. Even though we won the final battle tensions grew between Snowball and Napoleon. They were the two best leaders that we had in the farm, so it was quite uneasy to see them argue constantly. Many of the animals didn't know which side to be on. Snowball proposed a plan to build a windmill that would benefit the farm in the near future, but Napoleon thought it a foolish plan. He thought building a windmill would be a waste of time for the farm. Napoleon didn't really want to make any changes, he thought things were perfectly fine as they were. The debate was in full action when the day came to make the final decision whether the windmill was worth building. Snowball was the first to make his speech. He delieverd his speech with great honor and compassion to the farm animals. Before he could enough finish it, Napoleon made a strange cry and out of nowhere 5 big dogs run after Snowball. Snowball with out a doubt ran for his life. The dogs were huge and fast, but Snowball managed to get away. After Snowball left all of the animals were really confused to what had happened.

The Battle of Cowshed

We were already at our positions at 11:50am. This fight would determine whether Animal Farm was ours for good. This was the ultimate battle we really needed to win to be free. As Mr. Jones's plan said they approached the property at 12pm and the farmers were suprised to find us waiting there for them. We were more nervous than we were the first time we did this. When we were at least 10 feet away from each other we ran towards them. The farmers were well prepared with their weapons, but we had a good chance on beating them. It was easy for me to take down the farmers, but the smaller animals were having a hard time. I was using my hoofs to trample the reamining farmers that weren't on the floor. Then I was looking around to see if there was anyone who needed help and I saw several of animals dead on the ground. I was appalled to see the animals laying down on the ground so lifeless. I was looking for Boxer and I saw him kick a farmer so hard that he instantly killed him and soon enough the farmers started to yell in terror. They were in total shock when they saw one of the farmers dead. They instantly ran away. After the fight I looked around and we lost 5 of the animals to the battle. Even though we won the battle couldn't help ourselves from celebrating too much.

Mr. Jones Plan

Since my last post there hasn't been much happening. All the animals are currently working towards making the farm last for years to come. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves even though we work hard every day. We manged to finish more work than we did usually when Mr. Jones was in charge. Also, we were well feed and more happier after Mr. Jones was here. We were all excited for the near future. Anyways, one the birds came by at noon had some news about Mr. Jones. The bird told us that Mr. Jones plans to attack us tomorrow at noon. The bird said he over heard the other farmers talking about it. The whole farm started panicing, but the pigs were confident that we would win Mr. Jones again. All the animals seemed to calm down after the pigs gave a powerful speech about the news. We were ready to fight for the farm at any cost.

Animal Farm Update

The Animal Farm has been doing just fine without Mr. Jones. Even though some of us questioned the rebellion, we knew we made the right choose. All of the animals have been doing great with their jobs at the farm. Everyone really seems to be  happy. The pigs are mostly the ones who make all of the decisions for the farm. All of the animals seem to be fine with it because they are the only ones who could read and write. Also, there extremely intelligent and fair when it comes to making decisions for the farm. Snowball is one of the smartest pigs on the farm. Currently at the farm he is teaching all the animals to read and write. Napoleon is mostly enforcing the rules and leading the animals towards a better future. He took in some young pups to show them the ways of Animalism. Everyone is doing their part towards making the Animal Farm a success.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Creation of Animal Farm

As I woke up from a long night I was in disbelief. The farm looked so peaceful. It took awhile to process what happened last night. We actually kicked out Mr. Jones it was a dream, it actually happened. When I walked towards the barn everyone was already awake and cheering. The pigs gave a powerful speech about the revolution and announced the farm's name, "Animal Farm," The name helped us stand out as an union. Also, they announced the basic principles of Animalism, which were the seven commandments. The animals all agreed on the principles. These guidelines assured us that we would never give in to the evil desires of man. We could all live peacefully without humans. For this union to work the pigs assigned us jobs to contribute and run the farm. All the animals were ordered to take all human made collars and forbidden to live in Mr. Jones house. After all the announcements we celebrated for that whole entire day. We sang the, "The Beasts of England" for hours and hours. There was still hope for all animals,

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Rebellion Starts

The day has come to overthrow Mr. Jones. We as animals have had enough of the evil desires of man. The pigs informed us that we plan to attack tonight. Mr. Jones has been gone for most of the day. He did his usual trip to the bar to get drunk. We plan to run him off when he comes home tonight. I can not wait to see the look on his face it will be priceless. As Mr. Jones was walking his way back to the Manor Farm, all the animals were lined up in front of the farm. We were ready to fight back. Jones approached us and there he was in full shock. He instantly knew he wasn't allowed back in the farm. Then Mr. Jones started yelling and got pretty heated. He took his whip and started to hit us, but before he could have hurt us we charged towards him. He instantly ran the other direction. We ran him off the farm until he was out of sight. It all seemed to easy, but we knew he would be back for revenge. All we could do right now is celebrate our victory.

The Concept of Animalism

The seven commandments of Animalism. 
Soon after Old Major's death, Snowball, Napoleon, and Squealer took it upon themselves to make his dream a reality. The pigs already knew how to read and write so they were a perfect match for the job. Evey night after Mr. Jones fell asleep, I would always see them going to the barn late at night. Most of the time they would bicker and fight about the new principles. After several meetings they developed the sysytem of thought of Animalism that consisted seven commandments.

The Seven Commandments

1. Whatever goes upon 2 legs is an enemy

2.Whatever goes on 4 legs or has wings is a friend
3. No animal shall wear clothes
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed
5. No animal shall drink alcohol
6. No animal shall kill another animal
7. All animals are equal

I think that the creation of seven commandments would help us seperate ourselves from man and his evil desires. It would help us reach our goal to live in peace without any humans controlling us. We would finally be free.

Old Major Dies

Old Major
Ever since Old Major's speech 4 days ago the whole atmosphere of the farm has changed. All the animals seemed in a better mood than usual. As I walked towards the farm, Boxer told me that Old Major had passed away in his sleep. Everyone was in complete shocked. Old Major's vision gave the Manor Farm hope in living a better life. That hope was gone after his death.The animals felt defeated because with out Old Major his dream could not become a reality. Old major was one of the most intelligent animals on Manor Farm. He will surely be missed.

Old Major's Dream

Old Major

My name is Clover and I have been at the Manor Farm for about 7 years. Today was just another normal day until Old Major asked me to gather all the animlas for an announcement Old Major was a prize-winning boar who had been at the farm longer than any of the animals. As all the animals gathered he began telling the animals about a dream he had a couple nights ago. Old Major said that he had a dream where all animals lived together without any humans controlling them. The animals decided how they would want to live. Old Major encouraged the animlas to make his dream a reality. He then demanded that all of the animals learn the song, "Beasts of England" which described his dream perfectly. All the animals were inspired by Old Major's speech. All the animals came together and promised that one day rebel against mankind. The speech gave the animals hope for a better life.