Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Old Major's Dream

Old Major

My name is Clover and I have been at the Manor Farm for about 7 years. Today was just another normal day until Old Major asked me to gather all the animlas for an announcement Old Major was a prize-winning boar who had been at the farm longer than any of the animals. As all the animals gathered he began telling the animals about a dream he had a couple nights ago. Old Major said that he had a dream where all animals lived together without any humans controlling them. The animals decided how they would want to live. Old Major encouraged the animlas to make his dream a reality. He then demanded that all of the animals learn the song, "Beasts of England" which described his dream perfectly. All the animals were inspired by Old Major's speech. All the animals came together and promised that one day rebel against mankind. The speech gave the animals hope for a better life.

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